Now You Know Better

Now You Know Better

Message Translation

Message Translation


If you don’t believe God will take your busted up, semi-blessed, one-foot-in-the-world and one-foot-and-a raised-hand-in-the-church self, and renew your life to life to a level you’ve never imagined, then go back and read through this daily blog. Since I committed to praying every morning and writing this blog, my whole life has changed. The stuff I used to do just months ago, I don’t even have a desire to do anymore. It’s amazing to me how SUDDENLY God can change your life when you surrender it over to Him. I mean, seriously y’all. Once I gave it ALL up (because I had always used to give Him parts of my life over the years), but once I truly said…that’s it…I can’t do this ‘no mo’…I just want to do it your way God from now on because me trying to do what I want to do, how I want to do it, just doesn’t ain’t working out.

I have been inundating myself with scriptures, sermons, and seeking to know God on a deeper level. I don’t even watch regular TV anymore. I am always watching some sermon or some teaching about God. Last night I was watching Pastor Mike Todd Relationship Goals series. EVERYBODY SHOULD WATCH IT. Man, if you have ever been in a relationship of any kind, you need to watch the entire series. I have binge watched the Wire more than once, and a bunch of other TV shows that didn’t really help my life at all, so when it comes to binge watching a word from the Lord, I use that same finger to press play! Pastor Todd breaks that thang dine (in my Houston voice)!

Turning every area over to God has been a freedom that I never knew even existed. I have so much peace in my life now. I mean I don’t even really fuss at the kids anymore (Okay, I still fuss sometimes, but it’s definitely not with curse words in it; and I feel like it comes from a place of love and not just anger. I used to be so angry about stuff that had nothing to do with them). I used to fancy myself with a few drinks here and there (okay, I used to drink several times a week) and that desire is totally gone. I was shocked FOR REAL!!! But you know what, I stopped drinking to lose weight in a weight loss challenge (which I won by the way) and then when I started the prayer challenge, that desire to numb my pain and problems just went away. I still got the alcohol in the cabinet and probably should just pour it all out (I know someone reading this who isn’t where I am yet, is like…what you got left though? LOL) I definitely don’t judge at all. I was juuuuuust there myself and God loved me then the same way He loves me now. And you too! No matter where we are in life, God SO loves us.

Okay, let’s get to what God said to me this morning.

Oh yeah, this morning’s prayer closet time with the Holy Spirit was all about prayers that rout out demons!!! Yes! I have been praying and binding the trick of the enemy every day, but the Holy Spirit said, it’s time to break some curses on your life and on your bloodline. The book that I prayed from is by John Eckhardt. It’s called Prayers That Rout Demons. It’s a small book that has really helped me in this new way of living. I don’t know every scripture I need to know right now (but I wasn’t going to let Satan stick around because I didn’t know). God knew that, so He orchestrated it for me to speak to someone who told me about the book (Won’t He Do It). So that book helped me break some curses, root out some stuff that I didn’t realize was still in me!!!

Here’s what my conversation was with God today (out of the closet…because remember He already told me…don’t be putting Him in no box):

  • Proverbs 3:6. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths (You should never get stuck again. When you acknowledge me, I’ll GPS your next steps)!

  • Now you know better, so do better. (PERIODT!)

  • Learn what to do and how to do it. Stop saying why did it take so long for me to get this. It doesn’t matter that you’re just now getting it at this age. You’re here now and I am so pleased and happy with you.

  • Study my word daily and learn of me.

  • Pray new deeper prayers that will help you in your new life.

  • Rout out curses, demons, and powers of darkness in your life and on your bloodline.

Ain’t He alright y’all? I mean for real for real. God is the TRUTH! I pray today that something you’ve read will make you want to seek Him more.

I’m super excited that I get to see Jerry Savelle tonight!! Woo Hoo!! See, God can change your desires SUDDENLY!!! Have a great Friday!!

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A Word from God.

A Word from God.