My Name is On the Line for Your Life!

This morning I woke up with a little nasal drainage going on. Actually it started yesterday. You know when you’re not feeling 100%, the only thing you want to do is stay in the bed right? You don’t want to get up. Well that’s exactly how I felt this morning. When my alarms went off to get up, I turned them off and snuggled back in bed. But, I did have scripture playing on YouTube. I actually sleep with scripture playing because you know our spirit doesn’t sleep! So I like to get the Word in me any way I can! Okay!!!

As I laid there going back to sleep, I started the conversation. I thanked the Lord. I praised Him. I agreed with the woman who was reading the scripture (and actually it was my first time hearing this woman read scripture). I have my YouTube set to where it advances to the next channel automatically but it doesn’t advance to anything crazy. Why? Because I don’t watch anything crazy. Even the algorithm on YouTube knows to only play sermons and scriptures. LOL! I tell my kids if something crazy automatically comes on their YouTube, it’ because they have most likely watched something similar!!

I dozed back off and even started having a few dreams. Then I woke back up again and knew it was time for my feet to hit the floor; and that was mainly because my bladder wouldn’t let me go another moment. LOL!

I decided to shower and pray. Then after getting dressed, I prayed some more in my prayer closet. After praying the power of the Holy Spirit (Jude 1:20), I grabbed my pen and journal and this is what I heard the Lord say:

I have so much for you. Move at the pace of grace. Even when things take off fast and they will, remember you’re moving at My Pace. My Grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9) in season and out of season…no matter the season. I will move you in My timing. Keep praying the mysteries. Like today, you won’t always feel like it, but just come to Me. Don’t worry or fret Fon. I have every single detail worked out. My plan will prevail (Proverbs 19:21).

As I finished writing, I felt led to read Psalm 23:3. I actually started reading Psalms 23 a few days ago and my sister-in-Christ friend, Ronalda Sedeno is actually reading Psalm 23 live every day on Facebook using different translations. I read the Christian Standard Bible today and Holy Spirit gave me some amazing revelations.

He renews my life; he leads me along the right paths for his name sake. - Psalms 23:3 CSB

Now when I wrote this scripture down in my journal, I made it personal. I wrote: “You renew my life. You lead me along the right paths for YOUR NAME SAKE.”

Immediately after writing this, I heard the Lord say: “My Name is on the line for your life!”

Whew! Now that one liner right there really got me emotional, but I knew in my spirit that because I represent Jesus Christ with my life and proclaim Him as Lord and Savior of my life, His name is on the line! When people see me, they should see Him. When I share my faith in Jesus Christ, His name is on the line. He is leading me on right paths for HIS NAME SAKE! In my study notes for the Bible, Dr. Tony Evans interprets that line this way: So others can hear us say, “My God has brought me here.” Dr. Evans said through His Word and His Spirit, God leads us along the right paths in life and re-routes us when we foolishly become wayward. Why? For His Name Sake!

I drew a box around the words renew and lead in my scripture writing. I looked them up.

Renew is a verb and it means: re-establish, begin again, extend, restart, resume.

Lead is also a verb and it means: guide, show, steer, accompany, help, take, assist, show the way, and shepherd! Now I was blown away when I saw SHEPHERD because Psalms 23:1 says:

The Lord is my Shepherd; I have what I need. - Psalms 23:1 CSB

The word lead can also be used as a noun and it means: a position of advantage.

I don’t know where you are in your life reading this but I want to encourage you as I was encouraged myself this morning. When you make a decision to start the conversation in prayer every morning with the Lord, He will reveal to you exactly what you need to hear. Not feeling my best, the Lord let me know that HIS NAME IS ON THE LINE and He is going to make sure I am on the right paths. He is reestablishing me. He is restarting me. He is showing me the way. He is accompanying me (Deuteronomy 31:6-8). He is helping me. He is assisting me. I have a position of advantage because the LORD IS MY SHEPHERD!

Glory Hallelujah!!

I just love my conversations with the Lord, don’t you?

Your Assignments:

  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you today? Write down what you heard Holy Spirit say in prayer! Need a journal? Grab one here.

  2. Find one scripture that really resonates with you today and meditate on it all day! That means repeat it. Use your journal to write it down. Check different translations to see which 3 resonate with you most! Write those 3 down in your journal.

  3. Join the new OABG Online community!