Persevere in Prayer

Do you give God praise on the front end? Do you praise Him before you see the answer to your prayers? As I started to write this blog, I just had the thought that I need to do more of that. I need to remember how I acted when I saw it, and do that exact dance, cry, shout, BEFORE I see it. And I don’t need to fret about how long it is taking between each praise.

This morning I heard the Holy Spirit say: They that wait. Strength renewed. Often times I will hear a phrase or words first. Then as if the Holy Spirit is first giving me a keyword outline, He then turns those words/phrases into a sentence. He said: “The more you wait on Me, the STRONGER you will be.” Of course I thought about Isaiah 40:31:

But people who wait for the Lord to help them will receive new strength. They will rise up high, as if they have the wings of eagles. They will run and they will not become tired. They will walk and they will not become weak. Isaiah 40:31 EASY

Then I heard: Persevere, Prayer, Peace. Holy Spirit said, “As you persevere in prayer, I will give you peace.

I wrote that down and let it settle into my spirit. I have had some real peace over the last week. It’s like the things that had me in this rushed state of mind have all calmed down. The thing that I wanted to happened right now, has not been pre-occupying my mind. God has shown me WHY He hasn’t allowed it to happen yet. He is still working on some things. And you know what, our obedience to Him often determines the speed. Last night the Holy Spirit told me: It’s already done, I just need you to stay in obedience Fon. Of course I gave the Holy Spirit credit for those bars (rhymes)! LOL! And it’s true. Yesterday, something I had been waiting on, was already done and waiting ON ME!!! God is so faithful to His word!

Habakkuk 2:3 says: Though it delays, wait for it, since it will certainly come and not be late.

If the Lord told you it’s coming, then it’s coming!!!! Even if it seems delayed, wait for it. It’s coming!

As I kept praying this morning, the Holy Spirit put the Covid vaccine on my mind. I know some people who have taken it and I just began to pray for them. The story that came to mind as I prayed in the spirit was from 2 Kings 4:39-41 where Elisha was in Gilgal, and there was a famine in the land. A group of prophets were seated before him and he instructed his servant to make some stew for the group.

One of the young men went out into the field and gathered herbs and a pocketful of wild gourds. He shredded them and put them into the pot without realizing they were poisonous. Some of the stew was then served to the men. But after they had eaten a bite or two they cried out, “Man of God, there’s poison in this stew!” Elisha said, “Bring me some flour.” Then he threw the flour in the pot and said, “Now it’s all right; go ahead and eat.” And then it did not harm them.

I heard the Holy Spirit say: Even if you unknowingly eat or take something poisonous, it won’t kill you. I am your protector.

There are a lot of unknowns about the vaccine and there has been much debate from people who are taking it verses those who are deciding not to take it. But I am so thankful that God is our protector regardless of what we unknowingly ingest into our bodies. And to tell you the truth, even when we knowingly do things, we can still come to God and repent because of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! The Bible says the prophet Elisha through some flour into the pot and said…NOW IT’S ALL RIGHT. GO AHEAD AND EAT. AND THEN IT DID NOT HARM THEM. I pray that prayer of no harm right now in the mighty name of Jesus!

As I looked for that scripture about the stew (because I couldn't remember what book of the bible it was in), a few other things caught my attention as I was flipping and looking for it. They may seem random, but they spoke to me:

  • God will change YOU whether or not He changes your situation.

  • I was made to reflect God’s glory. Shine.

Be encouraged this morning to wait on God. Persevere in prayer to receive a peace from God. Acknowledge God in everything you do and He will protect you from dangers seen and unseen. And last but certainly not least, SHINE, through your reflecting of God’s glory in your life.


If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you’re not a believer, but you have a desire to be, all you have to do is openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community, stay connected to other believers, and start having daily conversations through prayer with God every single day. Welcome to your new life with Jesus Christ!!!


  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. How will you reflect God’s glory today? (Hint: Shine)

  3. Will you trust God when He changes YOU verses your situation?

  4. Record yourself reading the word of God on video or audio and watch how God will use your own voice to give you revelation and build your faith (keeping this assignment on here for a while).

  5. Leave me a message on the Anchor.Fm podcast app or Text Me at 601-299-4398! Share this blog post/podcast with someone who needs encouraging. Share buttons below.

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