Did You See What I Said?

We have this confidence
You'll finish what You started
God, You have never failed
You won't start with me
You're present in every step
Patient in every heartache
God, You have never failed
You won't start with me
You won't start with me

Those were the lyrics by Maverick City Music that were speaking to me in the most comforting conversational tone especially the part where it says GOD YOU HAVE NEVER FAILED AND YOU WON’T START WITH ME! The song goes on to say: If you said it, We believe it!

This morning the Holy Spirit gave me a total recall moment. No to the movie. But my real life. He called me to go back and recall what He said, what I have read, and what I have heard from His Word.

As I prayed, He dominated our conversation with these words:

Let me remind you of what I said, what I have done that you are aware of. These thoughts you have aren’t random. These specific situations in the Bible and in history aren’t random for you to think about. I AM bringing them to your remembrance for a reason.

Do you remember what happened with Transformation Church and the Spirit Bank Event Center?

Fon, the bigger the story, the bigger MY GLORY! It will be a story of faith, trust, believing in an unbelievable circumstance. Look back at what I said. I am always dropping clues before I allow it to happen to you. That’s why I say, follow my instructions.

Don’t be afraid, you are anchored. Remind your daughter that I told her not to be afraid. Remind your son that I told him to trust the process.

Fon, I kept sending you to confirming words so you could go back to what you had written. You don’t have to believe what they say. SEEING is believing (remember I said that yesterday?) Now you SEE that seeing what I said is believing.

Remember my ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). I reveal things to you way ahead of time so you can document it and be able to go back to what I said when what you see with your physical eyes don’t match what you already saw with you spiritual eyes!

One year ago (on yesterday), April 22, 2020, I told you to Keep a Kingdom Perspective. Then I told you yesterday, everything I said still stands. Remember? Seeing is believing. You are able to SEE what I said now.

Also Fon remember this. Making a way means it has to “look” impossible for me to show My miracle working power. Would a straight win really be the kind of miracle that could truly impact your life, your kids lives, or the lives of the people around you? I put the gift of writing in you. As a writer, wouldn’t the story be even more impactful and awesome if they did NOT call your name as you expected? Wouldn’t you depend more on Me if they didn’t call your name? Wouldn’t you and the kids be more of a believer in My power if it happened a way you least expected? Wouldn’t it be even more crazy faith to keep packing and still believe it is yours, regardless of what they said?

Test Time:

Do you believe what I said? Yes or No


Will you trust Me? Yes or No


Will you keep moving in faith as if you know it WILL CERTAINLY happen like I showed you when I sent you multiple times to Habakkuk 2?


Assignment: Review what I said until you see what I said manifest. This will help you and the kids build your faith and your trust muscles. The doors that I am taking you through will require you to be STRONGER than what you are right now. And not just you, you and the kids and everyone who reads/hears this conversation.

Without faith it is impossible to please God. Those who come to God must believe that he exists. And they must believe that he rewards those who look to him. — Hebrews 11:6 NIRV

“I don’t think the way you think.
The way you work isn’t the way I work.”
God’s Decree.
“For as the sky soars high above earth,
so the way I work surpasses the way you work,
and the way I think is beyond the way you think.
Just as rain and snow descend from the skies
and don’t go back until they’ve watered the earth,
Doing their work of making things grow and blossom,
producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry,
So will the words that come out of my mouth
not come back empty-handed.
They’ll do the work I sent them to do,
they’ll complete the assignment I gave them. — Isaiah 55:8-11 MSG

—I just love my conversations with God!


If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you’re not a believer, but you have a desire to be, all you have to do is openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community, stay connected to other believers, and start having daily conversations through prayer with God every single day. Welcome to your new life with Jesus Christ!!!


  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. Review what I said until you see what I said manifest.

  3. Record yourself reading the Word of God on video or audio and watch how God will use your own voice to give you revelation and build your faith (keeping this assignment on here for a while).

  4. Struggling with Consistency? I want to help you! Leave me a message! Text 601-299-4398!

  5. Share this blog post/podcast with someone who needs encouraging. Become a subscriber and get the blog and podcast in your inbox daily!