On God’s Behalf...

What a morning of worship! If you listened to the podcast or read the blog from Saturday, I mentioned about increasing my worship. I did just that. It felt a bit out of my routine and I am sure that’s the exact kinda disruption that I needed in order to just worship my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As I listened to more of Chandler Moore (get it), the tears just started to stream from my eyes. It’s not just his music, there is a real anointing in His lyrics as he pours out his adoration for our Lord. And as it feels the atmosphere, you begin to pour out too. And it’s good to pour out, so that God can pour in!

Speaking of pouring…I opened my bible randomly to Jeremiah 33. Now of course my eyes immediately focused on the verses that I had already highlighted. Verse 3 of course is Jesus’s phone number 333. But it was verses six through nine that really stood out for me! I made the scripture personal too!!

“But now take another look. I’m going to give this city (FON) a thorough renovation, working a true healing inside and out. I’m going to show them (FON’s) life whole, (FON’s) life brimming with blessings. I’ll restore everything that was lost to Judah and Jerusalem (FON). I’ll build everything back as good as new. I’ll scrub them (FON) clean from the dirt they’ve (SHE’S) done against me. I’ll forgive everything they’ve (FON’s) done wrong, forgive all their (HER) rebellions. And Jerusalem (FON) will be a center of joy and praise and glory for all the countries on earth. They’ll get reports on all the good I’m doing for her. They’ll be in awe of the blessings I am pouring on her.” — ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭33:6-9‬ ‭MSG‬‬

In the CSB translation for verse 9, it says: This city will bear ON MY BEHALF, a name of joy, praise, and glory! 

I wrote in my journal, ON GOD’s BEHALF... I will bear a name of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

As I got ready to get up from my prayer and worship time, I said to the Lord: I need to move (I have homeschool outside the home today) and the Lord said, I AM with you in every move! 

He is the GREAT I AM! Whatever we need Him to be is GREAT!! He is great at being everything we need!!



If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and you’re not a believer, but you have a desire to be, all you have to do is openly confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead (Romans 10:9). When you pray that prayer, you are saved. Get connected with a good, bible-based church in your community, stay connected to other believers, and start having daily conversations through prayer with God every single day. Welcome to your new life with Jesus Christ!!!


  1. What did Holy Spirit say to you in your conversation with Him this morning?

  2. What are you willing to do on God’s behalf?

  3. Record yourself reading the Word of God on video or audio and watch how God will use your own voice to give you revelation and build your faith (keeping this assignment on here for a while).

  4. Struggling with Consistency? I want to help you! Leave me a message! Text 601-299-4398!

  5. Share this blog post/podcast with someone who needs encouraging. Become a subscriber and get the blog and podcast in your inbox daily!